Dismissing an Event

Written By Molly Cody ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Please Note: If your organisation uses IFRS 16 Reporting, please do not dismiss any Renewals, Fixed Rent Reviews, Market, or CPI Rent Review Events.

The Dismissing Events feature was designed as a lease management tool and doesn't communicate with IFRS 16 Reports, meaning if used, it can cause unexpected variances to your reporting values, i.e. dismissing a Fixed Rent Review tells the system it should not be included in your Report and will alter the opening balance.

If you have a Renewal that was not exercised, please complete the Renewal Event with instructions that the Agreement will expire

If you have a Rent Review that was not actioned, please complete the Rent Review Event saying that the Rent will not change, rather than dismissing the Event.


If a scheduled Event didn't occur, and you want to remove the Overdue notification reminders you see for it, you can Dismiss the Event.  

Dismissing an Event

To Dismiss an Event:

  1. Click on the Event icon on the Agreement Timeline

Is your Event in a locked period? You'll need to ask a user with the Administrator permission in your Organisation to edit the Lock Date before you can dismiss the Event. Check out this article for more information. 

  1. At the Summary step, click Dismiss Event
  1. A pop-up box will appear asking you to confirm this action. Click Continue 

You'll now see a transparent Event icon on the Agreement Timeline and the word Dismissed next to the Event name. 

All notifications and reminders relating to this Event will stop, and any alerts relating to this Event will be removed from your Organisation Overview. 

Reopening Events

If you realise later that you need to complete your Dismissed Event, you can Reopen it. To do this:

  1. Click Reopen Event
  1. Click Continue

You'll now see the Reopened Event on the Timeline to complete.

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