How to Edit Entity Details

Written By Molly Cody ()

Updated at September 5th, 2024

If you need to amend or update information for a specific Entity in your Organisation, the simplest way to do so is directly through the Entities tab. This article will outline the steps required.

  1. From within your Organisation, select the Entities tab.
  1. Locate the Entity record that you want to edit. You can look for it manually, or search using the keywords search bar.
  2. Click the Edit icon. This will present a pop-up card wherein you can update the relevant details.

How to edit the Type

From within the entity card, you can update the type. The type field allows you to provide specific details about the entities involved in your Agreements.

  1. Click the type that best suits the entity in question.
  2. Click Save.

Note that the type you select determines the fields that are available in the About section of the Advanced details. For the type Individual, the available fields are Title, First Name, Middle Names, and Last Name. For the types Company, Trust, and Other, the available fields are Company Number/National Business Number and Website.

How to edit the Known As

To edit the Known As (name) of an Entity that is the type Individual:

  1. Change the text in the Known As field.
  2. Click Save.

To edit the Known As of an Entity that is the type Company, Trust, or Other:

  1. Change the Entity type to Individual.
  2. In the About section, click on the First Name text field and update the Entity Name.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click on the pencil icon to edit the Entity again.
  5. Change the type back to what it was originally (e.g. Company).
  6. Click Save.

Other Edits

To edit any other parts of the Entity card, simply replace the old information with the new information, or add the new information if there was none originally. Regardless of what information you have changed, make sure to always click Save at the bottom of the Entity card. 

You'll then see a pop-up message appear saying your Entity records have been updated.

Please Note: As Entities are shared across your Organisation, any changes you make will update the records of that Entity in any Agreement it is assigned to.


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