Language & Defaults

Written By Molly Cody ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Language & Defaults is where you can customise the default settings to apply across your Organisation for features like Reminder Periods, reporting Currency, and Units of Area Measurement. 

Reminder Periods

With all the Events you've added to your Agreements in Nomos One, we'll send out email reminders to all Users subscribed for notifications when these Events are coming up.

When an Organisation is first created, the default reminder period for any type of Event is 90 days. You can customise this default setting for different Event types by selecting from the present notification periods (30, 60, 90, 120, 240 days), or by typing in a custom number.

Default Currency 

You can select a default Currency that will apply to all new Agreements you create so that each time on the Rent & Payments page of the Agreement Wizard you don't need to fill out this field.

On the Default Currency for Agreement section, use the drop down bar to select the default currency, or you can type to search for it. 

If you have more than one reporting currency in your Organisation, we recommend selecting the most commonly used currency as your default.

Default Units of Area Measurement

When you create a new Property structure, you can record the Area/Size of the property or asset under lease. You can select here the Default Unit Area of Measurement that will display next to the Area fields.

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