Deleting an Event

Written By Molly Cody ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Please Note: Events should only be deleted if they were incorrectly entered and were never part of your contract. If scheduled Events  such as Rent Reviews are not actioned, you should complete the Event indicating so, rather than deleting the Event. Deleting Events may alter opening balances under IFRS reporting.


If you've added an Event to your Agreement Timeline that shouldn't be there, you can delete it from the Timeline by following the steps below.

To delete an Event:

  1. Click Action, then Create / Edit Events
  1. Navigate to the Event you would like to delete, and click Edit
  1. Next to the Event you would like to delete, click Remove

If you want to delete an Event which is scheduled between other Events of that type, you'll need to click Remove from the bottom of the list until you have removed the Event(s) you want, and then add back in future Events you would like to retain. 

  1. Scroll to the top or bottom of the page, and click Done

The Event(s) you deleted should no longer appear on your Agreement Timeline.

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