Repairing an Event

Written By Molly Cody ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024

You can re-open a Completed Event on the Agreement Timeline by Repairing the Event. This allows you to make any changes to the information entered into the Event, or Reset the Event to start again. 

Please remember that Events should be completed on the Agreement Timeline in chronological order. If you're needing to repair an earlier Event on the Timeline, the best practice is to Repair and Reset all completed Events scheduled afterwards so you can re-complete them again in order. 


To Repair an Event:

  1. Click on the icon of the Completed Event you want to repair, and click Repair Event

Is your Event in a locked period? You'll need to ask a user with the Administrator permission in your Organisation to edit the Lock Date before you can repair the Event. Check out this article for more information. 

  1. Click Continue on the warning pop-up box

The Event has been successfully repaired. It will now appear as Overdue (red) on the Agreement Timeline

To re-complete an Event you've repaired, all you need to do is click on Step 4: Completion, and follow the on-screen steps to complete the Event again. 

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