How to Activate or Deactivate an Agreement

Written By Molly Cody ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Activating your Agreement is a key step to ensuring your Agreement will pull through to all Financial Reporting areas of Nomos One, and that Users who are subscribed as Followers will receive email notifications and alerts about Agreement Events.

How to Activate your Agreement

To make an Agreement Active:

  1. Navigate to the Agreement you want to Activate
  2. Locate the Agreement Status bar above the Agreement Header
  1. Toggle the Agreement Status bar from Inactive to Active
  1. A pop-up box will appear where you can confirm the Activation of your Agreement by clicking the blue Activate Agreement button

The Agreement Status bar will turn green to let you know your Agreement is now Active!

Agreements should be kept in Active Status so long as you need to financially report on these Agreements. If you no longer need to financially report on an Agreement, you can make it Inactive.

How to make an Agreement Inactive

Making an Agreement Inactive in Nomos One excludes that Agreement from all financial reporting and temporarily stops Agreement-related notifications from being sent out. Making an Agreement Inactive is a great way of keeping historical information in an easily accessible location, should you need to access it again.

Please note: Both Active and Inactive Agreements are included in the number of Agreements defined in your initial contractual limits. If you have concerns about the number of Agreements you have in Nomos One, please reach out to our Support Team. 


To make an Agreement Inactive:

  1. Navigate to the Agreement you want to make Inactive
  2. Locate the Agreement Status bar above the Agreement Header
  1. Toggle the Agreement Status bar from Active to Inactive

You can reactivate an Agreement at anytime by simply toggling the Agreement Status bar back to Active.

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