Using the Column Builder

Written By Molly Cody ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Please note: As this feature is currently in Beta mode and undergoing final testing before the official release, the functionality may be subject to minor errors. For now, we would love your feedback so please feel free to hit our Feedback button to the right of your browser if you have any suggested enhancements, notice any issues or want to let our Developers know they've done a great job! Should you see any bugs, glitches or lack of functionality in your reports, please contact our Support Team (, who will be more than happy to assist.


If you want to customise the columns which appear on your Journal Report - OneLease (Beta) or Interest Rates Summary Report - OneLease (Beta) you can use the Column Builder tool before you generate your report to add, remove or edit the appearance of any of the columns on your report.

Currently the Interest Rates Summary Report has six default columns available to edit, delete or reorder. If you have any suggestions of what else you'd like to report on here, let us know!

To customise the columns on your report, click on the drop down arrow to expand the Column Builder:

You can Add, Edit, Delete or Re-order Columns - check out our guidance below!

Adding and Editing Columns on your Reports

  1. Click on the Column Value drop down bar and select the column you want to add to your report

You'll see a range of data fields in Nomos One available to include in your report, including the option to add your Organisation's Custom Data fields and Financial Allocations:

  1. You can combine multiple columns together by selecting more than one Column Value. You can also add custom text before, in between, or after a selected Column Value to customise how these data fields will appear on your report once generated

  1. Add a description of the column to the Column Label field. This is how your column will display on your report. Then make sure to click Add

If you don't add in a Column Label, your report will still generate with the Column Value selected, however the header for this column will be blank.


Deleting Columns from your Reports

If you want to remove an entire column from appearing in your report, you can click the Bin icon beside that column to remove it from your report:

If you want to remove a Column Value from a column without deleting the entire field, you can click the 'X' icon beside that particular Column Value; or if you want to clear all added Column Values from a column you can click the 'X' icon at the end of the field to remove all added values:

Re-ordering Columns on your Reports

You can re-order how your columns will appear on your report by clicking on the drag handle and moving these into your preferred order

Once you've finished customising your columns, you can click Run Report!

If you've generated your report and you need to make an adjustment to the columns you've added, you'll need to make these changes in the Column Builder and then click Run Report again.

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