Disclosure Report - OneLease (Beta)

Written By Molly Cody ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Please note: As this feature is currently in Beta mode and undergoing final testing before the official release, the functionality may be subject to minor errors. For now, we would love your feedback so please feel free to hit our Feedback button to the right of your browser if you have any suggested enhancements, notice any issues or want to let our Developers know they've done a great job! Should you see any bugs, glitches or lack of functionality in your reports, please contact our Support Team (support@nomosone.com), who will be more than happy to assist.


The Disclosure Report in OneLease (Beta) provides a summary of your total lease commitment for all Agreements in your Organisation. It reports on the movements in an organisation’s Right of Use Asset and Lease Liability, the current and non-current portions of the Lease Liability and the Maturity Analysis of the expected future cash flow. 

What's different about the Disclosure Report in OneLease (Beta)

Besides our fresh new layout, there's a couple of extra changes to be aware of when using the Disclosure Report:

  • We've expanded our Filters! Make sure you review our Filter guidance when generating your report
  • To give you more control over how your Report displays, Asset Classes no longer show by default. If you would like them included, when selecting your Breakdown, click Asset Class
  • We've made downloading your report more flexible - now you'll be able to select whether you export in CSV or Excel formats as well as customise how different Currencies are exported
  • Saving report templates has never been easier with the Relevant Date Picker and Save Preset Reports features. You can now create reporting configurations with real time dates to make your reporting more efficient

Generating your Disclosure Report 

To generate your Disclosure Report:

  1. Select whether you want to report on All Agreements, or filter your Report using Selected Agreements or Filter Groups
  2. Record the Start of Report Period and End of Report Period using the calendar tool or by using the Relevant Date Picker for quick Period select 
  3. Using Breakdown, select whether you want to run the Report for the Total number of Agreements, by contractual Agreement Type, by Asset Class or by Lease Classification (Non-exempt or exempt)
  4. Click Run Report 

Is your report taking a while to load? You can click on the Email me button while your Report is loading and we'll send you an email when your report is ready to go! 


This will generate a report showing your projected Lease Liability and Right of Use Asset values (per the Breakdown you selected) rolling forward until the end of your selected reporting period, as well as current and non-current Lease Liability values. You'll also see the Maturity Analysis showing the contractual undiscounted cash flow.

If you have multiple currencies in your Organisation, you'll see all values categorised into different currency tabs. 

Checking the Reporting Logs

Remember to check your report's Logs. The Logs will show you if there are any errors which may be preventing any of your Agreements from displaying in the report you've generated. 

To learn more about the Logs and what particular errors mean, you can check out the OneLease (Beta) Report Logs article.

Changing your Current/Non-current Lease Liability reporting method

Once your Disclosure is generated, you can choose which Current/Non-current Lease Liability reporting method you would like to apply to all Agreements. Review our handy article here to learn more about this. You will be required to make this change on the existing Nomos One platform, however the change will be pulled through to your Disclosure Report in OneLease (Beta) too.

Downloading your Disclosure Report 

  1. Click the Download button at the top of your Report 
  1. Select the format you'd like to download the Report into, either CSV or Excel 

  1. Click on the check box next to each currency you'd like to include in your downloaded Report. If you'd like to include all currencies, click Select All 

  1. If more than one currency has been selected, you'll have the option to combine all your currencies into one CSV or Excel file 

  1. Click on the check box to combine all all into one file; or

Leave this unchecked if you'd prefer that each currency is exported into its own labelled file as part of a Zip folder 

If CSV Format is selected, it's important to note that CSV's comma-delimited format means you cannot have multiple tabs running at the bottom of the file. The combined file will show each currency stacked below each other labelled by currency. If Excel Format is selected each currency will have its own individual tab within the file. 

  1. Click Download CSV or Download Excel (depending on the Format you've selected in step 2) 

Your downloaded Report/s will show in a zipped folder or as one file depending on the download option you chose

Saving a Preset of your Disclosure Report 

If you would like to save a particular configuration you've created for your Disclosure Report, you can do this by saving a Preset of your report. Check out how to do this here.

Frequently Asked Questions relating to the Disclosure Report in OneLease (Beta)

Q: What is factored into Additions?

  • Any leases which commenced between the Start Date and End Date of the reporting period, this includes leases on transition.
  • Agreements with a Commencement Date (or other applicable start date) that is the same as Start Date of the reporting period. 

Q: What is factored into Modifications to lease terms?

Modifications to lease terms include any re-measurement that relates to the lease terms, including:

  • An increase in lease term; or
  • A decrease in lease term

Q: What is factored into Lease Payments Adjustments?

Lease Payments Adjustments includes any re-measurement related to the lease payments, including:

  • Rent Review Revaluations from Fixed, CPI, or Market Reviews
  • Surrenders/Terminations
  • Additions of Rent Holidays/Discounts, One-off Payments and Incentives

Q: How can I tell which Agreements are "Uncategorised" when using the Asset Classes?

Currently this is not possible using the IFRS 16 Reports in OneLease (Beta), but you can determine this using the New Engine Journal Report on the existing platform.

Navigate to the New Engine IFRS 16 Financial Reports and generate the Journal Report. Once the Journal Report has generated, customise the report to include Agreement Known As, Sysid, and Asset Class, you'll be able to see which Agreements don't have an Asset Class assigned. This will correlate with the information in the Disclosure Report in OneLease (Beta).

Q: Does the "Total" include Uncategorised ?

Yes! Under the New Engine, the Total displayed on the Disclosure Report is inclusive of the uncategorized payments. 

Q: Why doesn’t my Disclosure Report agree to the cumulative account balances through my Journal Report ?

This is likely due to an Agreement expiring on the same date as the End of Report Period date entered on your Disclosure Report in OneLease (Beta). In this case, the reversal of Right of Use Asset is not processed, meaning that the Disclosure Report shows the asset as fully depreciated on the day of Expiry, while the Journal Report in OneLease (Beta) writes back the depreciation against the asset, causing a discrepancy between the two Reports. 

To identify which Agreement/s expired on this date, use the Custom Events Report and filter for Expiry, otherwise contact our Support Team at support@nomosone.com and we can help with this!

Please note: You shouldn't see any discrepancies if any of your Agreements expire during the reporting period, this scenario is limited only to those expiring on the end date of your report.


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